the key to social media success is in quantity

One really nice, edited reel won’t do as much for your business as opposed to 100 decent reels that talk about highlights and benefits of your product.

Social media needs context.

People want to see more, not less.

The only way you’ll build brand and win business is by posting more pieces of content.

You don’t have to know what you’re doing in your 20’s

You don’t have to know where you’re going with your life by 24.

You don’t have to feel like you’ve got it all together—most people don’t, even well after their 20’s.

It’s fine to be unsure.

As long as you keep learning, challenging, and doing things that matter to you while doing whatever it takes to practically sustain your life—the rest will be taken care of.

Make it so easy that it’d be silly not to do it

If the goal is to wake up earlier, set your alarm to your usual wake-up time.

After a few days, adjust the time by 1 minute.

After a few more days, adjust the time by 1 minute again.

At first it won’t seem like anything is changing.

Once you’ve been following your adapted habits after a few weeks, change will start to take place.

And it only started with 1 minute.