I learned copywriting from posting every day on social media. 

My biggest tip for those who want to start copywriting?

Forget everything you learned in English class. 

Academic essay structure will do you more harm than good in the social media space. 

Instead, think simple terms. 

Write short sentences. 

State things with clarity. 

My biggest copywriting tip for people marketing their first business

Relearn how you write.

School teaches you how to write academically.

There’s long sentences with words that don’t make immediate sense. Oftentimes, this school-essay writing lacks personality too. 

Here’s what you should do instead:

Write about your business journey, in your voice, and share it on social media.

Social media teaches you how to write so that other people actually care what you have to say.

Academic writing and copywriting are two completely different writing styles.

If you want to grow your business, get better at copywriting.

3 Copywriting Tips for First-Time Marketers

1. Write shorter sentences ✏️

Get to the point.

Erase the fluff.

Practice shortening.

2. Write as if speaking to your audience 1:1 ✏️

Speak to them directly.

Ignore the rest.

Use their lingo.

Let them know you’re part of the community.

3. Understand that a CTA isn’t a chance to make money ✏️

Your CTA is your chance to be helpful.

Lead your reader to a place they want to be.

Don’t booby trap them with guilt if they don’t like your idea.

Do I regret starting my writing journey?

I promised myself I’d write every day and post it online.

And I’ve been doing just that for the past 3 years. 

But I’d be lying if I said there weren’t days I wish I didn’t have to.

Because it’s 2AM and I just finished spending an hour on Tiktok (oops).

And I have to get up early for work tomorrow (again, oops).

I know it’s in this moment that I wish I could just sleep.

However, I also know future me will be grateful that I never stopped practicing my passions.

Great writers never skip practice 

When I took piano lessons, my teacher would often ask if I practiced at all. 

That’s because she knew.

She could tell that I wasn’t practicing.

Because I would play the same as I did the week before, and the week before that, and the week before that.

The worst part of it is that this went on for years.

I just wasn’t interested in improving.

Writing is different.

There is no sheet music to follow when you’re creating copy for your piece of content.

Most people don’t have a writing teacher to check up on their writing every week.

However, you can still practice writing without step by step instructions.

You can still improve without having a coach sit beside you.

You can get immediate feedback by sharing your content on the internet.

The only catch is time.

You won’t see drastic improvements until you’ve made a drastic quantity of work.

And that takes time.

3 Copywriting Tips I Wish I Knew Earlier in my Career

  1. Write shorter sentences.

Get to the point. Erase the fluff. Practice shortening. 

  1. Write as if speaking to your audience 1:1

Speak to them directly. Ignore the rest. Use their lingo. Let them know you’re part of the community.

  1. Understand that a CTA isn’t a chance to make money

Your CTA is your chance to be helpful. Lead your reader to a place they want to be. Don’t booby trap them with guilt if they don’t like your idea.

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I cheat when writing my content. Here’s how 

I take previous posts that performed well, and rewrite the headline just so that the content gets another life and helps more people. 

I look to other people’s posts and steal their headlines just to replace them with my own spin. 

Almost all my ideas are from other people’s books, videos, speeches, courses, podcasts, or other content, only rewritten in ways that I understand them. 

I constantly look at other people’s trending content for inspiration, so I can remix it with my own agenda.


I’m not an original thinker, nor do I wish to be one. 

However, my content isn’t good when I want it to be original.

My content is only good when it clicks with other people. 

The key to keeping a blog

The key to keeping a blog isn’t dependent on the host you use, how much you spend on your website plan, or even the amount of expertise you have in your field.

The key to keeping a blog is being the type of person who keeps blogs.

That means you write and publish things frequently. 

It means you show up with an idea and you make it come to life. 

If you want to start a blog, become the type of person who keeps blogs. 

For Solopreneurs: Relearn How to Write

School teaches you how to write academically. 

Social media teaches you how to write so that other people actually care what you have to say. 

The two writing styles are completely different.

If it’s your first time trying the latter, practice more so that you can learn faster.