Writing not to make a buck, but to scratch a personal itch

Write whatever you want. 

No grades, no requirements, no need for perfect sentence structure.

Passion writing is an art. 

Passion writing is for anybody, if you’re willing to try it. 

What you’ll need: 

  • You
  • An empty document or notebook
  • An idea 
  • 15-20 minutes 

What you can’t bring: 

  • Your FOPO (fear of other people’s opinions) 
  • Your editor (that’s the version of you who thinks too much and keeps backspacing to delete your sentences)

Just write whatever has been on your mind.

Your life will change in 100 days. 

That is, if you do this once every day for 100 days. 

You’ll feel more creative. 

You’ll fine-tune your communication skills. 

You’ll learn how to tame your innermost critic. 

What more can you ask for? 

But, I’m not here to convince you of anything.

Because I did the same thing for 100 days and it worked on me. 

I’m thinking of putting together a writing community with The Habit Factory, but I first want to know who would want to join us. 

If you’re interested, you can sign up to hear updates on our writing community here: https://mailchi.mp/25b1899732fe/writing-workshop

I hope to see you there.

The best way I like to cure a lack of inspiration when writing, is to allow myself to produce bad writing

That means being okay when you don’t like your own content.

It also means being okay when others don’t like your content either. 

We all go through dull, grey, uninspiring periods.

Don’t let that stop you from writing something new. 

I’ve written a blog post every day for 2 and a half years. Here’s how I never got creative block

Every day I do my thing.

I write.

Writing is something that I do because I enjoy it. 

That’s not to say I never get stuck on my words.

I get stuck every day of the year. 

Every day when I’m faced with a blank page, I have a moment of stuck.

What do I write about? 

How am I going to write it? 

Will it be interesting?

Whatever might hold value.

By scribbling it out and editing later (and only once).

It will only be interesting to only a few.

I see creative block as a psychological barrier to one’s own production.

Nothing’s actually stopping you, but yourself.

All your tools are there, it’s just you (really).

The goal of the block is to make you stop.

Meanwhile, you should make every effort to not listen to it. 

Don’t stop for the block.

The Journey to Becoming A Marketer

I’ve decided.

I want to put myself on the journey to becoming a great marketer.

Not only because I want to tell awesome stories that inspire you to do something.

I think marketing is a true art form. One where it demands work, time, and practice to get good at.

I’ve always been curious about brands and how they play a role in our everyday lives.

I’ve always understood that business is a long term game of how other people feel about your brand.

I now actively wish to take a part of that role and learn to be the greatest marketer I can be.

Parkinson’s Law And Your Best Work

If you give yourself a week to complete a project, you’ll end up taking the whole week to do it. That’s Parkinson’s Law. 

Only, you know you didn’t spend the entire week working on your project. In fact, you might have only spent a dozen hours working on it rather than the full week. 

You could have been more efficient.

Turns out, a lot of creative projects don’t actually need that much time to complete. 

Most of us fall into procrastination, which is why we want all this extra buffer time.

The thing I’m more concerned about is giving yourself too much time. 

So much time that, well, you forget about your important project altogether. It goes on for so long that it seems more like a drag than something worthwhile. 

The alternative is to give yourself less time. 

Less time to wait, to procrastinate, to perfect.

It’s to know that your project can no longer wait on the back burner. Now is the best time for it to happen.

Your best work awaits. 

Practice Eats Perfection For Breakfast

Have you ever heard of an all-star basketball player who never practiced a day in her life? 

Or a successful graphic designer who never spent endless hours hunched over her laptop producing a dozen designs a day? 

How about a fiction-writer who never sent her book to a publisher because she thought it wasn’t good enough?

The truth is, the amount of practice you put into your craft determines success regardless of how pixel-pushed-till-perfect your art might be. 

Don’t stop for perfection.

You have to be your biggest fan. Here’s why

To every young designer or artist who holds doubt,

Be a fan of your own work.

Nobody else is going to hold more dedication for your work than you.

Nobody else is going to know your intentions more than you.

You’re allowed to feel insecure, but that’s when you have to be your own biggest fan.

The Best Part About Nobody Liking Your Posts

In social media jobs, numbers matter. 

The higher your metrics go, the more successful your campaign or post was. 

On the other hand, if you’re a budding content creator with no following, you likely don’t have  hundreds of people engaging with your content. That’s okay.

While numbers and metrics have their own time and place, I’d say there is a huge advantage to nobody liking your content as an independent creative professional. 


It’s liberating to create for yourself and no-one else. 

One of the best feelings in the world is getting to work on your art without having to worry about what other people think.

More importantly, when you create work for yourself, suddenly the numbers matter less and less.

When what you seek isn’t metric success but self-expression, it’s a lot easier to make projects you like.

Don’t focus on metrics. 

Create and share things that you care about. 

You’ve Got 10 Minutes To Write Your Next Blog Post

What do you write about and how do you write it? 

  1. Choose a specific topic you care about. This makes the entire writing process easier as you probably already have your perspectives pre-formed.
  2. Decide who exactly is going to find your piece worth reading. Don’t say everybody because it’s not true.
  3. In a sentence, write down the main point you want your readers to take away. The less main points there are, the clearer your blog post will be (keep it to 1 main point if possible).
  4. Write the blog post. Now that you have the basic foundations to start writing, the next step is to actually write.

Most people don’t start writing because they don’t know how to start. Now that you have this simple framework, go share something you care about.