Getting over creative block

Right before writing this post, I didn’t know what I’d be writing about.

I didn’t think anything I had to say was worth saying.

I didn’t believe there was any value in my ideas.

It was easier to close my laptop and walk away from it all.

So I decided to write about it.

Here’s how I get over creative block.

  1. Take a deep breath
  2. Write about the thing that’s on your mind, even if it doesn’t make sense
  3. Don’t edit, don’t walk away, don’t lose your focus from the task at hand until it’s done
  4. Do it all over again tomorrow

For me, creative block stems from a lack of confidence in my own ideas. 

The only way to get over that is to write more and build up my confidence by being comfortable hearing feedback about it.

Feeling uninspired? Read this

The number one way to cure a lack of inspiration when writing, is to allow yourself to produce writing that is poor. 

That means being okay when you don’t like your own work.

It also means being okay when others don’t like your work either. 

We all go through dull, grey, uninspiring periods.

Don’t let that stop you from the act of creating something new. 

What do great writers do that differentiates them from the rest?

Great writers write more than most. 

They practice more than anyone else in the room. 

They have written more bad pieces than you have pieces in general. 

They put in just as many hours as a full time job does. 

It’s the practice, dedication, and time that chalk up to great writing abilities. 

The law of diminishing returns on the creative process

The law of diminishing returns is an economic concept that refers to the point at which the level of benefits gained from an activity starts to decrease after a certain level of investment.

In the context of the creative process, the law of diminishing returns suggests that there is a point at which adding more resources, such as time, effort, or money, to the creative process will not result in a proportionate increase in the quality or value of the final product.

For example, if a designer spends a certain amount of time on a project, they may be able to create a high-quality design that meets the client’s needs.

However, if they continue to work on the project for an extended period of time, they may reach a point where the additional effort does not result in a significantly better design.

In this case, the law of diminishing returns would be in effect, as the designer would not be receiving a proportionate increase in benefits for their additional effort.

Overall, the law of diminishing returns suggests that it is important to carefully consider the investment of resources in the creative process, as there is a point at which the benefits of additional effort will start to decrease.

It’s 4 days till launch date 😭

I’m sharing this image as my own way of building in public.

But I’d also be lying if I said I wasn’t afraid to do so.


Here’s the run down 👇👇👇

I’m hosting a workshop to help creative freelancers adopt the same framework I’ve used to get started and win on social media.

And by win, I don’t mean 1 million followers and going viral.

By win, I mean:
🔥 thoroughly enjoying the process,
🔥🔥 winning people’s trust,
🔥🔥🔥 and building a brand that plays a part in culture that YOU get to build

The best part? You don’t need fancy equipment or a big business to get started.

All the work is in the format of a figjam board.

In fact, it’s my first time ever hosting anything on figjam.

And, it’s going to be my first time running this workshop. Ever.

Am I anxious about it?


Am I going to do it anyway?


Are you going to join me?

Register here:

Don’t worry,
It’s free.
And I don’t bite.
I promise.

“Trust the process.” What does it mean, why should we do it?

When it comes to social media, lots of gurus and experts will tell you to trust the process. What does this vague term, “the process” entail? 

For starters, the process is the journey. 

It’s the self doubt, the inner critic, and the perfectionism getting in the way of things. 

it’s the starting from zero and not having a clue of where to begin. 

It’s the trying everything and seeing what sticks. 

It’s starting with 0 followers. 

It’s getting varied engagement with your content because you wanted to try something new. 

It’s trying to address your criticism and learning how to move forward.

Trusting the process is knowing that there’s a little piece of progress made toward the bigger goal every day. 

You trust it because you’re trying. 

You trust it because you see progress from putting your hours in.

If your hands are in any part of the process above, you’re already on your way to winning. 

Keep trusting the process.

I open up a note on my laptop and try to get my writing of the day started

Only, it never starts. 

I draw a blank.

15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes later…


But I’m adamant on pulling through and making it work. And so here I am at 1AM trying to piece together the parts of my brain that make the writing process possible. 

But this post isn’t about productivity, drawing blanks, or time management. 

This post is about making creativity work for you, even when you’re not feeling on top of it all. 

Turns out, you can still write a valuable blog post or tell a great story despite not feeling inspired to create. 

Creativity is built much like a muscle. If you practice it enough times, you won’t to rely on a fleeting stroke of inspiration in order to do your art.